You've all seen this %$#*/#! on Facebook or Twitter. If not then for sure you've seen STFU or WTF or maybe effin something or other. My personal favorite is F**k! Okay people its time to *use your words* !
I agree that at times curse words are inappropriate, like around little kids. Surprisingly I had only one major FAIL in that department when my kids were growing up. We were all having breakfast at Denny's, my husband, the kiddies, a friend of his and yours truly. Said friend was regaling us with a story of how he royally screwed up with this girl he was seeing. Now in my defense I will say that I hadn't had any coffee yet! Anyway, I looked at him and said these words"If I was her I would have told you to go fuck yourself!" For a moment there was dead silence. My husband and his friend were just staring at me not saying a word. Why? What? ran through my mind. He really was being a jerk! Then the realization set in. I looked down to the right of me and to the left of me and saw two tiny faces staring up at me! I only wish I could have seen the look on my face! So cursing around kids is out even if at times it leaves us stuttering in search of an appropriate substitute.
If you want to keep what you are writing office or family friendly then choose different words. Even elementary school kids know what all those abbreviations mean and they are better at it than we are! One of my favorite lines from Modern Family is when Phil says that WTF is Why The Face! I LMAO at that one! So really, in this situation just say no to cursing and pretending you're not.
Another example where you should just say no is when you want to curse but are afraid you might offend someone. Someone offended by curse words will be just as offended by your use of f**k as if you actually wrote it out. A ourse word is still a curse word no matter how you spell it. The only one you are kidding is yourself. And no, it doesn't make you more refined. Your mother would still wash your mouth out with soap!
Only on twitter should abbreviations like WTF or STFU be used because one is confined to using only #140 characters. However there should be no fake spelling of a word using other symbols in place of letters allowed.
If you are grown up then you have earned the right to curse when you want to. Fuck yeah! Now isn't that better than f**k yeah? No shit, just go for it! Thats why we curse anyway, to let off steam. If you only do it symbolically you still have all that steam and whatever building up inside of you. In fact I think cursing could make you a happier person. Go out there and express yourselves once in a while. Be creative. Find a mother fucking cool curse word and use it! Warning: Overuse will take away the healing qualities of a good curse word. You will appear to be illiterate. Use them wisely!
When my daughter was about 4 I heard her say 'Oh ffff'
ReplyDeleteI was horrified until I realised the day before I had broken something in the kitchen and as I was about to drop the f-bomb I realised she was standing behind me and had restrained myself. Ooops!