Doesn't that sound like it would hurt? Hey, I grew up watching Bonanza what did you expect. To me branding or rebranding has to do with a hot iron and a cows hide not a product or "brand" whose image you want to change. But as usual I digress.What I want to talk about is this blog.
I started writing it for myself and other women my age because this is such a fun and crazy time in our lives. Surprisingly, guys are reading it. Most of them are my friends so I guess you could say they do it for that reason but they keep coming back which means they find things they can identify with other than the hot flashes. Lucky bastards!
I'm thinking of rebranding. Same product, different name! Would this blog by any other name be as good? I think so. I'm looking for something baby boomer-ish. I'm talkin bout my generation! We did have the best music. We defined Rock. Fashion? They keep coming back for more. I only wish I had saved some of it. Turbulent times? I think we might have invented them!
Okay enough of how cool we were/are. Definitely are. On a good day definitely. So now I need a name. People I'm talkin to you! I need your help. Don't make me do this on my own!
You picked it! "Talkin Bout My Generation". But now I have this song stuck in my head....