Monday, April 4, 2011

Turkey Day?

I was brushing my teeth, or washing my face or maybe I was putting on my makeup. It all happened so fast I can't remember the details but there it was. Well I think it was. I certainly heard the gobble gobble of the turkeys in my ear.

I may have a waddle. That little bit of loose skin at the junction where your neck meets the base of your head under the chin area. Yes,I cowrote Grey's Anatomy. Not the show people,the actual book on anatomy! The whole bit about "the junction" where neck meets head was a giveaway right? I'm a technical nerd that way. Okay, even I can't say that with a straight face, or write it for that matter!

Members of the jury, I know what I saw, even if it was for just a moment. I may not always see it although I try to recreate the moment. I wonder if there is a difference in mirrors. You know how some mirrors make you look heavier? Maybe some show waddle even if it's barely there. But I know what I saw! I also know better than to ask the one dearest to me because he ain't stupid. I'll ask the question and what he will hear is "Does this outfit make me look fat?!"

In the meantime I keep touching my neck. Maybe I should learn to tie a scarf in all sorts of decorative ways. Turtlenecks in summer? Could be a new trend. Could also be stupid! Some days this aging thing is just not fair. I think if you've made it this far there should be some kind of reward. A physical one. Life is backwards! That and waddles belong on turkeys unless you're married to Richard Fish!

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