Sunday, August 15, 2010

Basic Instinct

Some things are instinctive like how the body reacts to a fearful situation. It's either fight or flight. Well for me it's almost always flight! I start flapping my chicken yellow wings and I am out of there! Another well known instinct is the maternal one. I never thought I had an abundance of this particular instinct. I wanted to have kids which is why I had them and yet I was not the mother who talked about her kids as being "the best thing I have ever done". Looking at them now they are pretty damn great! I think I was a good mother. I got my kids to adulthood safely! As to the rest you'll have to ask my kids.

So imagine my surprise while I was walking through a book fair a few years ago and saw the old standard kids book Pat The Bunny and I had a crazy thought. I thought stop using the word and so much in your run on sentence! Wait no, what I really thought was"I want to buy this book". Why? For my grandchildren! It literally stopped me in my tracks. I wasn't even the big 5-0 yet. My kids were not near the age where I would have wanted them to be having babies. Yet there it was, I wanted to be a grandmother! Now as the years have gone by it is something I am really looking forward to being. Some of my friends have reached grandparent status already.

I will rock as a grandmother because I plan on paying little attention to the rules. Actually I'm not sure what the rules are. Hopefully there will be an owners manual. There certainly wasn't one for owning a kid and I could have used it!

Someone I met once said to me that if he had known that having grandchildren was so much fun he would have skipped the having kids part and gone straight to being a grandparent! Makes perfect sense to me.

PS: Sam there is no pressure. Really. I can wait...and wait...and wait! I'm kidding! I'm a kidder! You know that right? Right?

1 comment:

  1. You know you did a great job when you know your kids so well! You responded to my comment even before I wrote it!
