But I like it! Yes I do! Rock is the anthem of my generation. It gave birth to Pop rock, soft rock and even Bubble Gum! There's Folk Rock and Southern Rock and it's all Rock and Roll to me! I'm not really sure when it happened but I lost touch. My guiding rule of thumb for this moment had always been a radio station slogan. "If it's too loud, you're too old!" Well it's not too loud!
So how did this happen to me? This, this thing called there is music out there I don't know! It's not like I think the name is Ke, dollar sign, ha (ke$ha) or anything. I may watch too much Glee. Does that make me stuck in the past like Mr Shuster? Maybe it's karma from when I laughed behind an older persons back who called R.E.M. rem, like the kind of sleep you are in when you are in it deep! Whatever the reason, there is music out there that I don't know or at best I may have heard of the artist but couldn't name any of their songs!
To a large extent I blame the iPod. I never listen to the radio. Not even while driving. MTV? It lost it's charm for me. You have to listen to a lot of crap to get to the good stuff. And there you have it. The iPod gives me the music I love whenever I need music and more telling is that for every new song I like there are 20 I don't.
Here's the part that prompted me to write about it. I'm not sure I really care! I have Jimi Hendrix and today you have what? Lady Gaga? I have the Beatles and the Stones. I'm not even sure what there is today with that kind of staying power. I have Motown for cruising. I have James Taylor and Carol King for those reach out and touch someone moments. I have Elton John and Stevie Wonder. Bob Dylan and Tom Petty. Janis Joplin who might never have made it on MTV. Enough said. We have good music. Really good music. It's so good, that we can be forgiven for the Bubble Gum stuff.
This phenomena that I am experiencing is an age thing. I'm okay with it. I can blame it on my iPod but look at my kids iPods. They are constantly refilled with new music. So it's not the iPod, it's me! I'm just grateful to all the great artists that fill up my iPod. They rock. If you want to "educate" me then blip some new good tunes and send them my way. I'll listen. In the mean time I'll bemoan the death of album art!
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