I did it! It took me long enough but hells yeah, I did it! Naming things has always been hard for me, whether it be a character or the title of something I am writing. It's as if sub consciously I think that in their names lies their destiny so I better get it right. When I initially named this blog Women My Age it was because I wanted to give a voice to women who are as you know, my age! That however was not the destiny of my blog since it became evident that it wasn't just a women thing. It was a generation thing!
At one point I asked for help on Facebook. There were some good suggestions but when I put them on they just didn't look right on me! So I let it go. Then, I think under the influence of an article written about baby boomers I tossed out two ideas to the facebook crowd. The first was Boomerage and the second was Terminally Boomer. Most people took issue with the use of the word terminal. As if we all aren't in the end! Most preferred Boomerage because they didn't want to be reminded re the terminal thing. I almost used it anyway. It was my favorite but in the end I shelved them both and just kept writing. I figured it was time to stop talking about it. You know "If you're going to shoot, shoot, don't talk!"
So I recently wrote a post "I'm Ready For My Closeup" and in it I wrote that I want to see coming of age movies about interesting middle aged characters. Coming of age...huh...pretty clever! It stuck with me because it's true. We come of age more than once in our lives. Any moviegoer knows we do it when we leave childhood behind but guess what? We do it when we marry/commit to someone, we do it when we become parents, we do it when we no longer have parents that are alive and we do it when we reach middle age!
By this time we have become who we are. There are still opportunities to be a better person. That never stops. But we are somebody and this is the age where it is time to own it! That's what this stage of coming of age feels like to me and why the name fit like a glove! Just not OJ's glove!
I've lost count of the number of times I've "Come of Age"... and it gets more interesting every time! ;)
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly why the name seemed to click for me!