Is it the TV show, the stuff that gives you some good rastaman vibes or those pesky plants that grow anywhere? How about none of the above. I'm weeding but it's the garden in my closest and the weeds are the clothes I need to get rid of...or do I?
It's a hard process and I am not a hoarder so I can only imagine what those people go through! My closet became a mess and I had no idea anymore what I had and what I didn't have which is amazing because I don't have a lot. So I decided it was time to tend to my garden closet because I am going shopping! My new clothes should really have a nicer home.
First to go were T shirts and tank tops that were too short. What jackass decided belly shirts were a good thing? Actually I'm not sure the designer is to blame. We are, because we bought them! Honestly though, even when my stomach gets back to it's non protruding self I will not wear them. So out they go! Oh and I don't care how young you are,if you don't have washboard abs I'm calling the fashion police. In my fashion defense I never bought those ridiculously pointy shoes and boots that were in style some years ago. And yes I did laugh at all of you who bought them!
The next obstacle in my closet also has to do with size. The dreaded fat clothes and the beloved skinny clothes. As I write this I have decided to rid myself of the fat clothes. I want to be my perfect weight. I don't need those clothes sitting there and telling me " It's okay, eat all the cookies. We'll still fit you!" The skinny clothes will take some more consideration. The stick skinny clothes are out. That isn't my perfect weight. As for the rest, I'll keep what's timeless and the ultra trendy stuff will set new trends on some skinny bitch that is having money trouble. I'm donating the good stuff.
Last but not least is the biggest conundrum of them all. What if it comes back in style? Trust me, when you've been around the fashion block for as long as I have things come back. So how do you chose? If you love it then keep it. If not then say bye bye and if the style comes back buy new. For me, I keep anything that might be classified as hippie chic and also jeans that I love. To this day I regret throwing out bell bottoms I used to have. They came back! Now that I am who I am and I own it, I will wear things that are not totally in! So while I do follow fashion trends I still have one foot in the past. Speaking of feet, don't get me started on shoes! In other words, keep what you love that might come back if you would actually wear it despite what Vogue magazine says. Or keep it if it has sentimental value. The sweater/jeans/Tshirt you wore when you saw The Rolling Stones would fall under this genre. You can't predict fashion except to say that everything old will become new again. We just don't know when, so go with your heart.
Clothes that I don't wear seem to grow like weeds in my closet. Could it be a metaphor for other things in my life?
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