I love award shows. It has nothing to do with the awards themselves. Yes, there are artists that I would love to see win and get the recognition they deserve but I like who I like and the award won't change that. Watching an award show is really all about "the dish". We can sit on our sofas watching stars parade around while we get to "dish" on everything they do and say. It's a blood sport. The only question is if this sport is only for the young?
The circle of life in Hollywood differs from real life because in Hollywood the stages of life are the very young, the young and the not so young. Then you pretty much fade out, end of script. Too bad really. I love fashion although you wouldn't get that by looking in my closet lately. I love seeing fabulous women dressed to the nines or even tens! There is no doubt that the young do this fabulously and they should rightfully relish it. Oh and they should take pictures so that they can pull them out to show people just how spectacular they really were. I personally have a picture of myself in a bikini that is just so fabulous it belongs in a museum. The Smithsonian perhaps?
So who speaks for some of the gorgeous older women of Hollywood? Or rather, who speaks about them? I never thought I'd see the day when no one cared what Michelle Pfeiffer wore. But that day has arrived. How about Jane Fonda? An old broad who still looks good. What got me thinking and then writing was Annette Benning. She won and no one really talked about her fashion sense! Sheesh, what's a gal gotta do to get some attention? What of her over the top punked up tresses, the in your face black framed glasses or the great body under that shimmery black gown? Not even a footnote? Really? Hey I mean *REALLY*?
I get that each year brings a new crop to Hollywood and to make room for them someones going to get pushed out of the way. This is me pushing back!
Award Ceremonies = if it didn't involve cleavage it didn't happen. ;)
ReplyDeleteJen- Glad that doesn't translate into real life because then nothing I've done would count!
ReplyDeleteThank you! You wrote down what's in my mind for years...
ReplyDeleteAnd Anette Benning looks fabulous! But what counts is youth. You know, there is a well known actress who was my age (I think even 1 or 2 years older) in the eighties, now miraculously she is 4 years younger than I am? Who is she fooling but herself?
What's a girl gotta do? Fake age, get cosmetic surgery, Botox for breakfast, get a toy boy, fool yourself and everybody else.
But is that what we really want?
For me it's definitely NO!
I'm not Daddy's little girl, I'm a grown up woman! And I like it :)
Hahaha! I love the story about the actress who is suddenly younger than you are! I think youth is wonderful and the young should relish their youth but it shouldn't be at the expense of those who as we say have "been there and done that!" There is an inner strength that comes with age.
ReplyDeleteAt least these "old" actresses are still working and still making interesting decisions. Let the moronic 12 year-olds sell their cheap selves on the red carpet and let them have all manner of drama. The leave the real work for the real artists.
ReplyDeleteThe resurgence of theater as a viable medium and troopers like Laura Linney, Susan Saradon and Kthleen Turner are proving there's life despite Hollywood.
I love your line "life despite Hollywood" ! I think if there are more writers willing to write interesting roles for older women things will slowly start to change. The young actresses don't make me angry. I think if you're young you should enjoy it! The really talented ones will emerge and the others will fade away over time.