As you all know I'm a big fan of the Twitter. Oh, I know it's not *the* twitter. I say that only to annoy smug, very hip barely twenty year olds! Somebody's got to do it and I obviously can't trust you guys! Do you see how easily I digress?
Someone described Facebook as your home because you let in people that you know and Twitter as the street which is open to everybody! Sometimes you need to get out of your house. Interesting shit is happening in the street! For instance, I now have the answer to a question that cosmetic companies have been asking well, since there were cosmetics! The question is simply, "can the right shade of lipstick solve life's little problems?" I found the answer on twitter.
I don't know the when and I'm not sure of who did it first, but one of my twitter followers tweeted the shade of lipstick she was wearing. Then another one did the same. Inspired by these two women who I know to have a high creative/fabulous quotient, I too joined in and tweeted about my lips as only I could. I was at the time wearing Blistex Lip Relief Cream! Their response was immediate. They would have to take me shopping! I redeemed myself by then wearing Nude Lustre and Pink Gloss but I also went with naked lips, the poor things! Somewhere in the midst of our tweets I added the hashtag #lipstickgang and put a name to our endeavor.
Then came my question to the members of the gang "Can the right shade of lipstick solve life's little problems? " Cosmetic companies have been trying to sell us on that idea so they would answer "Yes Yes Yes!". We know better. It really won't make you thinner or that hot guy like you. It won't get you a better paying job either. But wait, don't give up hope!
Talking about our lipstick choices gave us a certain amount of camaraderie and that can get you through almost anything. It also encouraged creativity. You don't just wear Oxford Street without dressing like a Brit. Nude Lustre is of course when you're in a bare bones kind of mood. Pink can be adventurous or sweet depending on the wearer. Red is, well I don't need to spell it out for you, do I? We don't just talk about the color but we define it or rather we are defining who we are that day. We define our day before it defines us and let's face it, most of us are always letting outside sources define our day. At least this is an outside source of your choosing. Mostly though, it's about some wonderful women who are cheering you on. "You go girl!" Be sexy or fun loving or serious and be fabulous at it! Lipstick in a shade of Girl Power! That's really the essence of our gang.
Look in the mirror and decide something about your day. Then color it in but please stay within the lines! So pucker up ladies and choose your color!
Hi Carol!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post about our #Lipstickgang, I love it! You really got the point: we define our day before it defines us, and we choose who we want to be on any day. So I'll have Oxford Street on my lips again today, and see how British may day can be ;)
When I was writing it I made a few wrong turns but I listened to my gut and by doing that I think I captured what is fun about the lipstick gang. Really glad you agree!
ReplyDeleteMy lips are almost always naked... but luscious nevertheless. My son gave me a Mary Kay make-up compact this Christmas. It's a novel concept. Me, at the age of 57... with a compact. I've never owned one in my life. I think he thought it was about time. In this compact were two brushes, a delightful selection of eye and cheek colour and... a lipstick... a Caramel Toffee lipstick! When I remember, I put it on and think of my lovely son, Mark.
ReplyDeleteCaramel Toffee sounds yummy! I am like you, pretty low maintenance but that doesn't matter as far as the gang is concerned!