Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Like A Rock?

What makes a person strong? I mean we're always making statements about how strong someone is. We make the opposite statements too. Like, "she'll never be able to handle it" or "he'd just fall apart if he ever found out." Can you really tell who is strong and who isn't? Is it all based on how a person looks on the outside? I ask this seemingly out of the blue question because I wonder if people think I'm strong.

I recently had some shit come down the pike that is my life and as I was dealing with it I got teary eyed. Okay, I got red eyed snotty nosed get me a tissue quickly, is what I would call it if I was telling the truth but I'm not so lets just say I was Hollywood tragicly beautiful as tears streamed down my face that wasn't, I repeat was not, scrunched up! Do the tears make me weak?

I cry at sad movies and at those commercials that pull at your heartstrings. I cry when I see someone I care about in emotional pain. A complete stranger can bring tears to my eyes if I see them hurting. Some of you would call me a cry baby! My emotions are right there on the surface.

After a long rant that took place in my head I realized that despite what you see I am actually the Arnold Shwartzenegger of strength in the face of a shit filled pike! I can deal with it. I'm not afraid of it. Just. Like. The. Rest. Of. You. You don't get from there to here without having to deal with "stuff", stuff that sucks, and yet we all do it. That's strength. How we do it is in the end inconsequential. Question asked and answered your honor! Tears aren't about weakness. Look what water in a stream can do to a large rock in it's path. Over time the water wears it down. My tear ducts are just in better shape than other peoples!

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