Saturday, May 14, 2011

PDA On Social Media- Too Much or Not Enough?


s previously threatened, oh I mean promised, I give you the other side of Social Media PDA. Not the stalkerish/people looking for love in all the wrong places kind. Not the harmless "I need an ego boost" kind either. This time it's about the happy couples.

Avatars, or profile pics are one of the places couples show their coup;ehood. Instead of just a pic of the profile owner it's a pic that includes their significant other. It is my unscientific opinion that more women d this than men and more young lovers than older ones. It's something that is really not an issue unless you are jealous of said person for having someone or having someone that you want! I don't want to be known as so and so's mother or so and so's wife. I want to be known for me and I really do love "so and so"

Then we have the declarations of love. They are the equivalent to a soliliquy said under your beloveds balcony. They are you in the middle of the street where your beloved lives, holding a boom box over your head while it plays a love song. They aren't love letters because a love letter is private and a lost art if you ask me. Oh right, you didn't ask! When someone uses a facebook status to write about how they feel about their wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend or lover what they are really doing is declaring to all within their realm that they have found "the one".

I think the most important thing is still to tell the person you love, that you love them. Even more important are actions because without them words are meaningless no matter how often you use them. Still I think if you really love someone then you should use social media to say so. Just remember less is more. If it's your go to thing you will cause legions of followers to have a little stomach content start to rise up causing them to gag!

When I see it done right it makes me happy for the people involved. I've always been a romantic at heart. A little PDA can go a long way. Choose your words wisely.

1 comment:

  1. I tend not to declare my love on Twitter or FB because it is blocked at both my work and the husband's but we do try to sms or phone (or both) an 'I love You' at least once a day.
