Monday, May 2, 2011

Mission Accomplished..Really!

Since Osama Bin Laden stole my blogaversary thunder, well the little of it that there was, I thought it only fitting to talk about the guy who is himself a baby boomer! So lets have some fun at his expense. I give you the best (tweets,status updates and snark) of the worst (Osama, like d'uh!)

Seems the Brits of the BBC made just a little typo- Obama dead appeared on their online page!
Although FoxNews didn't do any better as the heading under the anchor read Obama Bin Laden dead!

Following in those footsteps I give you "Burn in hell...Oksana Baiul!"

"I'm sorry...but as far as I'm concerned it's all rumor until Sarah Palin confirms it!"

"It looks like he was pretty prepared for that 3:00am phonecall after all!"

"Apparently Obama's birth certificate was Bin Laden's last horcrux!"

"They just chuck his body and I have to keep 3 years of tax records?!!"

The best tweet on the topic---> "Can you believe those idiots still think I'm living in a cave? What? They're right behind me, aren't they? #Osamaslastwords

Then of course you have this guy who unknowingly live tweeted the whole thing! I guess he got his 15 minutes of fame!Oh and he now has 50,000 plus followers. Before this he had 2000!

So to steal a few of the lyrics from the very appropriate Lily Allen song join me in saying to Osama " Fuck you...Fuck you very much!"

Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks everyone and don't forget to tip your waitresses on the way out!


  1. great :D

    I found another one on Twitter:
    BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump demands Osama Bin Laden's death certificate.


  2. Glad I made it on the list. And no, I'm not saying which one.

  3. Thanks Tanja although I prefer to call you Tats like Pato does!

  4. Charley-You always make me laugh!
