Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm Ready For My Closeup


MADDY nervously plays with her empty glass.Tthe BARTENDER, glances her way and she smiles. Their is a twinkle in her eyes as the tiny smile lines appear. She self consciously reaches up and puts a strand of hair with a few greys behind her ear.

The bartender pours drinks for other CUSTOMERS sitting at the opposite end of the bar.

She looks around her at the PEOPLE sitting along the bar. Most of them are couples. She shakes her head and throws some cash next to her empty drink. She gets up to go.

The bartender comes over.

Can I get you anything?

Apparently not.

She turns to leave.

He shrugs his shoulders and scoops up the money from the bar.

She talks a few steps and then turns back to the bar.

Hey, I'm

She stops mid sentence a she sees the bartender is leaning over the bar flirting with a young blonde woman.

She takes a step back and crashes into a handsome GUY around her age.

He steps back to take a look at her.

Lets cut the scene right here. We don't know a lot about the characters. From the bare bones description we get that she is middle aged. Who does the movie industry care about? The hunky bartender and the sweet young thing at the bar or the seasoned veterans who may or may not be experiencing love at first sight?

Actually what matters more is really what we decide we want to see. They just need to know that we are willing to pay for it There's all sorts of drama and mayhem in our lives. Like it or not we are like no other generation as they enter Act II Scene II of life. We won't STFU and gracefully fade away. In fact the only things I like faded are my jeans!

I want to see coming of age movies for middle aged interesting people. HEY, if twenty somethings are writing about quarter life crisis then I get to come of age. Can you believe it? A quarter life crisis? Ah, youth is wasted on the young! So for the rest of us the kids are grown and the possibilities for what's next are endless. The only remaining question is, if I write it, will you come?

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