I thought I had writers block but it turns out what I have is the flu! In my delirium I have stolen from a great writer Steven King. You see he wrote a great book on writing which he called...you guessed it ,On Writing! So, what of putting words on a page?
When I thought I had writers block I did a foolish thing. I put a request on my facebook page. I thought if only I had a topic I'd be golden. Wrong! The first response I got for a topic was Herring! Was that a challenge from a fellow writer or a fellow writer not taking my agony seriously? Or does she simply love a little herring in sour cream sauce? Does it really matter in light of my illness and the worry you must all be going through? Nah!
Another response was from an old friend who thought I should write about the sobering effect of living with my comedian husband. Or was it staying sober while having to live with my husband? I can't remember but I sure could go for a glass of wine right now!
Then it was the turn of a friend from my elementary school and Junior High School years. That's the beauty of facebook, old friends hanging out in cyberspace. He thought I should talk about the art of conversation. Is it a lost art? I write better than I speak so I naturally jumped from there to the art of writing, as in the lost art of writing a letter, more specifically a love letter. Great topic but I'm not feeling the love since my body has become party central for some of the nastiest germs I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.
Last but never least a friend reminded me about my backpacking through Europe free spirit days. Could I tell some tales? Fun times they were if not exactly Eat Pray Love! This blog is all about the now so I'd have to find the right hook to bring it back to now where I no longer want to backpack. I want 5 star hotels where I can look out from my balcony at all those backpackers down below and think smugly " I may not be as young as you but I have a hot shower!"
So here's the thing about writing, if you are left staring at a blank page don't panic, it might just be the flu!
I LOVED On Writing! One of my favourite books... and it was such a great insight into the way that man thinks. It's funny how this piece on writer's block reminded me of the brain freeze I get in a Toastmaster's meeting when called upon to do a Table Topic... talk for 2 minutes on an unknown topic. Scary stuff, but great exercise for the mind... and the more I practice, the easier it's becoming. I was thinking it would be great training to do something similar for writing. Pick up a book or magazine, choose a page at random and write a paragraph on whatever comes up. Hmmm.... I might just try it.
ReplyDeleteI think On Writing should be one of those required books for all writers. You have my respect regarding the toastmasters- I'm not afraid of public speaking anymore but I don't do off the cuff well.