Dear Me,
Remember how we used to go to the library for books? We devoured books didn't we? Of course we didn't have over a 100 channels on TV back then. We didn't have VCR's, DVD's, or iPods to entertain us. Oh, all those letters? Just google them. Oh wait, never mind, you don't have a computer. Of course I mean in the house! They're not just for Stuart Greene anymore kid! FYI the guys with the pocket protectors did really well. However girls still go for a bit of the bad boy. That hasn't changed. Probably never will. Then we get older and smarter!
Anyway, here's what made me think of you. It was around ten o'clock at night and I had just finished reading a book. I wasn't ready to go to sleep yet. Pretty cool huh? No bedtime for me! So anyway, I opened my computer and went to Amazon. It's a place you can buy books via your computer and you don't need to know any of that binary language shit, just English! So what if I use the occasional "bad word" It is definitely great to be able to do that without being yelled at. It's one of the perks of being an adult. However my thighs are not as thin and that's definitely not a perk! But I digress, we still have that in common. So I picked out the book I wanted and then got out my kindle. I read books on a kindle now. You know I thought I would hate it. I love the feel of holding an actual book in my hands. A kindle is a hand held electronic device, about the size of a paperback book only thin. The books, or rather the written words of the books appear on it. I wonder if it's all done by the same little guy in the TV set! Anyway, I picked out the book I wanted to read and voila in less than a minute there it was on my kindle! Did I mention that I never left my bed?!
No I haven't been watching too many Jetsons cartoons! Although there is this thing for cleaning floors called a Roomba...oh never mind! FYI you do finally meet your prince. However might I suggest being kinder to Mom. You see one day she'll give you the curse. Yep, that one, the one where she wishes that you have kids just like you. Well it works!
Mad love to you baby girl!
PS No flying cars...yet!
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